Friday, July 25, 2008


I survived my first trimester! I'm done and over with the nausea, fatigue, and moodiness brought about by hormones wreaking havoc, or so I thought. I've considered myself fortunate that despite my food aversions and that ugly, terrible feeling of nausea, I am not one who would keep on throwing up and emptying my tummy of much-needed food. Thus, it surprised me that as I entered my second trimester of pregnancy, I just had to puke, not so much because of nausea but because of that bloated, busog, feeling I would get everytime I'd eat more than my stomach can handle. I've always been a big eater and I keep my meals as controlled as can be, but it seems my tummy can only accomodate so little, haha. The sensation of fullness from overindulgence was horrifying that I had to literally force myself to throw up my food. I also have a hunch there must be some food I ate that my tummy just didn't like (we came from a luncheon with lots of dishes served). It was a relief to feel a little lighter after throwing up, though my face looked all puffy and red as my capillaries must have burst from all the force I made vomiting.
Now I take it easy on myself. I eat smaller portions and also eat in between meals. It's the best thing I can do to keep myself from being in that terrible situation again. I hope this won't last for the remaining months though. It would make me feel so deprived of food I so love to feast on.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby in 4D

We had our 2nd check-up with our OB last Monday and I was pretty excited that we will be hearing the baby's heartbeat. What surprised me was OB told us that we will be going to the ultrasound center instead to check the baby's heartbeat. Apparently, the Doppler machine couldn't pick up the heartbeat up clearly. So we got to see Baby #2 on a TV monitor. The ultrasound was so clear we even saw him move and kick! We were ecstatic! Even Zoe was so excited to see her baby sibling. Heartbeat is at 159 bpm. Although we still do not know the gender this early (12 weeks), I told hubby baby sibling might be a girl because of the fast heartbeat. It is said that if the baby's heartbeat is above 140 bpm, then it's gonna be a girl. I'm not sure if there is some scientific evidence to this theory though.
I'm now into my second trimester. I feel less nausea now, although I did puke once but not so because of nausea but because of indigestion, I think. My tummy looks more bloated now. I can still pass as someone who's not preggy and others might still mistake me for someone who ate way too much, hehe.